This post was written before the current viral outbreak. In some ways it seems even more relevant now.
You know what? You deserve this six minute gift~especially if you think you are too busy today, or if you are feeling ineffective or worried.
Thanks to my good friend and important educational influencer, Lucie Delabruere, I was reminded today of the importance of gratitude. She shared this link to “Gratitude: The Short Film by Louie Schwartzberg”: and I encourage you to gift yourself the 6 minutes or so it will take to watch. In fact, rather than write a whole post that would also take you 6 minutes to read, I’ll simply leave it at this.
At a retreat of Rowland Women last fall, 45% of attendees listed Gratitude as their top core value, based on the work we did with Brene Brown’s book Dare to Lead. In a small group session we shared ideas about “cultivating the response of gratitude” as Schwartzberg says in the film. Some things we do include sharing an observation with friends or family at a meal, or observing one delightful thing on the way to work, or writing a thank-you note to a colleague once a week, or saying the words “Thank” ‘and “You” as we plant our feet. Nothing fancy nor time consuming, but a wonderful practice. How do you foster gratitude?