What is the CRAFT program?

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Kat Robbins and Janis Boulbol have worked together to create CRAFT–Community and Climate Resilience Through Agriculture, Forestry, and Technology–at Woodstock Union High School. With the support of the Rowland Foundation, this program has grown into a thriving opportunity for WUHS students. We invite you to take a look at the program in this video introduction.

The Frontier of Education

“The idea of progress persists only because we have forgotten more than we have remembered.” – William J. Lines, Australian writer One month ago, I read this quote in Terry Tempest Williams’ book, Red, while overlooking a Days Inn parking lot in Provo, Utah.  It was a sunny Sunday morning and I had a few […]

Burlington City and Lake Semester

Burlington City and Lake Semester

Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there. ― Gary Snyder Several years ago I hired a carpenter friend of mine to help me build a deck. He designed and engineered it, ordered the materials, supervised the construction, and performed any and all tasks that required actual carpentry skills. I […]

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