Equity Begins with Knowing the Heart

Several years ago, as students rolled up their yoga mats and filed out the door at the end of the school day, a senior boy slowed as he passed by. “Thank you for making me not hate Ben,” he said. And then he speeded up and continued on his way. As the loudspeaker announcements competed […]
Perspectives on Curriculum Matter

One of the most profound moments in my teaching career has to have been January 22nd, 2018. We had in-service that day, and one of the opt-in workshops was led by members of the Racial Justice Alliance, a student club at Montpelier High School. You may have heard of them. They are the group that […]
Books Are Weapons in the War of Ideas

Books Are Weapons in the War of Ideas A version of this piece originally appeared at VTDigger.org on 8/17/17 BOOKS ARE WEAPONS IN THE WAR OF IDEAS is an oft-used paraphrase of Franklin D. Roosevelt speeches and FDR-commissioned posters during WWII. And make no mistake about it, we are fully entrenched in the latest battle of the […]