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Keep These Principles in Mind “Trust  is earned in the smallest of moments. It is earned not through heroic deeds, or even highly visible actions, but through paying attention, listening, and gestures of genuine care and connection” – Brene Brown Learning is about relationships. Research on effective teaching and learning and common sense indicates that […]



“Are you saying that I need to get 20 less minutes of sleep so I can do 20 minutes of mindfulness?”   A staff member asked me this question last year when we were talking about self-care. What I heard behind this question was that the person did not have a sense of how to […]

The Equity Traps within Act 77: Flexible Pathways and Personalized Learning Plans

In Vermont we are actively working as a state to adopt a number of exciting and meaningful school transformation initiatives. One of these involves creating Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs) for each student, starting this year in the seventh grade, that will be a dynamic process to help guide students through multiple pathways towards their post-secondary […]

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