What Goes Up: More Than Just Data

I recently agreed to lead a short writing activity with my department at the start of a meeting. Here’s what I asked them to do: Think of a student who you are currently having a hard time with, for whatever reason. Now imagine that in ten years that student comes up to you in the […]
Sharing the work of CRAFT at Woodstock Union

Two CRAFT students, Pea Richardson and Schuyler Hagge, led a workshop at a teen-led farm to school conference F.E.A.S.T. at Knoll Farm. Here is a video of them sharing their insight about this event and our food system:
Entrepreneurial spirit in school: fostering a new mindset through meaningful project-based learning

I have to admit: so much of what I consider my best maneuvers in education have been largely due to simple serendipity. Stumbling over opportunities by being in the right place at the right time led me to one of the most meaningful experiences of my year–a jump into entrepreneurship with a small and unsuspecting […]