What Goes Up: More Than Just Data

Photo of Adam Murray with solar eclipse glasses

I recently agreed to lead a short writing activity with my department at the start of a meeting. Here’s what I asked them to do: Think of a student who you are currently having a hard time with, for whatever reason. Now imagine that in ten years that student comes up to you in the […]

Sharing the work of CRAFT at Woodstock Union

Photo of CRAFT student group holding CRAFT poster at Woodstock Union

Two CRAFT students, Pea Richardson and Schuyler Hagge, led a workshop at a teen-led farm to school conference F.E.A.S.T. at Knoll Farm. Here is a video of them sharing their insight about this event and our food system:

My Story of Why I Do What I Do.

I do what I do because there are voices that are never heard, lives that slip through the cracks, and dreams that have no chance of becoming a reality. Here is one cry for help from a student a few years ago.   “I’m losing my job. I get paid too much and I’m losing […]

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