The Power of Public School Teachers
The Power of Public School Teachers [adapted from a letter to Rowland Fellows written by RF Executive Director, Michael Martin, originally sent on September 6, 2024] Political leaders are talking about teachers a lot these days. To be clear, I don’t just mean debates about education policy, but talking about teachers as real-life people […]
What is the CRAFT program?
Kat Robbins and Janis Boulbol have worked together to create CRAFT–Community and Climate Resilience Through Agriculture, Forestry, and Technology–at Woodstock Union High School. With the support of the Rowland Foundation, this program has grown into a thriving opportunity for WUHS students. We invite you to take a look at the program in this video introduction.
What Goes Up: More Than Just Data
I recently agreed to lead a short writing activity with my department at the start of a meeting. Here’s what I asked them to do: Think of a student who you are currently having a hard time with, for whatever reason. Now imagine that in ten years that student comes up to you in the […]
Breath and Breadth: Finnish Inspiration for Restorative Practice
With so many thanks to the Rowland Foundation, I would not have dreamt of the opportunity to head to two of the world’s “happiest” countries and be an observer on the forefront of education. I certainly would not have anticipated that most of the trip to Finland and Denmark would be covered financially and that […]
13th Annual Rowland Conference: Democracy in School with keynote speaker, Dr. Jill LePore
The 13th Annual Rowland Conference will take place on Thursday, October 17, 2024 on the theme of Democracy & School with keynote speaker Jill Lepore. Dr. Lepore writes for The New Yorker and teaches at Harvard. She is the author of These Truths, a one-volume history of the United States that was a New York Times […]
Dare To Be Me: Holistic Education at Hazen Union
Anja Pfeffer, 2021 Rowland Fellow, developed and implemented the Dare To Be Me program at Hazen Union. Learn more about the program and Anja’s work in this short video:
Sharing the work of CRAFT at Woodstock Union
Two CRAFT students, Pea Richardson and Schuyler Hagge, led a workshop at a teen-led farm to school conference F.E.A.S.T. at Knoll Farm. Here is a video of them sharing their insight about this event and our food system:
2023 Rowland Encore Grant Crew
The 2023 Rowland Encore Grant Team convened in Rockwell, Maine this summer for their writing retreat as they work to develop a white paper focused on deeper learning for Vermont schools. Seen here: Andrew Jones (RF15), Michael Ruppel (RF17), Jess DeCarolis (RF09) & Gabe Hamilton (RF15).
2023 Women’s Leadership Retreat
The 2023 Rowland Women Leadership Retreat was held at Basin Harbor Club this year. It was a deeply appreciated opportunity for Rowland Fellows to connect and think about what it means to be women educational leaders.
4 Filters for Digital Wellness
The Rowland Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of Digital Wellness: Building a Healthy Relationship with Technology, authored by our 2022 Rowland Encore Grant Team: Anne Bergeron (RF11), Carrie Felice (RF13), Sarah Ibson (RF13) & Lissa Knauss (RF18). We are proud of our Rowland Fellow authors’ approach, which is pragmatic and positive instead of […]