Front row, from left to right: Sabrina Westdjik, Kerianne Severy, Lindsey Cox, Emily Gilmore, Gretchen Muller
Back row, from left to right: Luis Bango, Peter Langella, Abbie Bowker, Nerissa Edwards, Michael Ruppel
Sabrina Westdjik & Kerianne Severy, Middlebury Union High School
Interdisciplinary Learning through International Baccalaureate
Lindsey Cox, Winooski Middle & High School
Real-World Learning & Flexible Pathways
Emily Gilmore, South Burlington High School
Personalized & Proficiency-Based Learning
Gretchen Muller, Burlington High School
Community-Based Learning
Luis Bango & Nerissa Edwards, Woodstock Union Middle & High School
Community-Based Learning
Peter Langella & Abbie Bowker, Champlain Valley Union High School
Interest-Based Learning
Michael Ruppel, Springfield High School
Community-Based Learning