Bryan Aubin, Mt. Mansfield Union High School, 2011 Fellow
Academy within the school with experiential, student-centered environment fostering global perspectives across the curriculum.
Nicole Awwad, Springfield High School, 2021 Fellow
“The student leadership alternative program would provide Springfield High School students the opportunity to develop their own path through high school; those most marginalized students will be able to learn, work and study both inside and outside of school walls, creating new opportunities for them to stay engaged in school.”
Luis Bango and Nerissa Edwards, Woodstock Middle/High School, 2017 Fellows
Strive to make our school walls more permeable and strengthen our relationship with our local community. Also, seek to create a vibrant CBL program that allows our students to fully engage with our community and discover their promise.
Laszlo Bardos and Rachel Sanders, Rivendell Academy, 2016 Fellows
Research, develop and run critical explorations with our colleagues. In critical exploration, students engage with materials in a way that fosters intellectual curiosity and empowers students to build their own meaning.
Jessica Barewicz, U-32 Middle and High School, 2014 Fellow
Seeks to develop a common vision, build teacher leadership capacity, design collaborative structures and provide opportunities to foster U-32’s mission.
Angela Bauer and Lisa Manning Floyd, Randolph Union High School, 2015 Fellows
Working to create a more robust advisory system that meets both academic and emotional needs of students and to develop a schedule that supports that system.
Anne Bergeron, Blue Mountain School, 2011 Fellow
Development of wellness and multi-cultural studies into the fabric of the curriculum.
Ellen Berrings and Sarah Ibson, Harwood Union High School, 2013 Fellows
Developing a strong advisory program to support proficiency-based graduation requirements.
Jean Berthiaume, Harwood Union High School, 2009 Fellow
Democratization of school, authentic student voice
Alden Bird, U-32 Middle and High School, 2018 Fellow
To study best practices in student conferencing with the goal of implementing this practice across disciplines to improve school climate and student learning outcomes in a proficiency-based system.
Richard Boisseau, St. Johnsbury Academy, 2010 Fellow
Strengthening partnership between school and home
Janis Boulbol and Kathleen Robbins, Woodstock Union Middle High School, 2021 Fellows
“Would explore how might we prepare students for leadership roles in solving the world’s food system challenges and developing innovative solutions for climate resilience in areas including agriculture and forestry.”
Abbie Bowker and Peter Langella, Champlain Valley Union High School, 2017 Fellows
To create an interest-based, embedded program that allows students to practice skills, gain knowledge, and meet proficiencies through regularly scheduled experiences of their choosing.
Sam Bromley, Montpelier High School (Science Teacher) 2022 Fellow
“provide opportunities for students to be active members in their local food systems and increase relevant engaging learning opportunities”
Alison Moncrief Bromage, Vermont Adult Learning, 2012 Fellow
Establishing authentic cooperative community-based learning opportunities for students challenged by the traditional high school model.
Karen Budde, The Danville School, 2012 Fellow
Developing personalized learning plans for students to create their own paths and stronger community connections.
Katherine Cadwell, Harwood Union High School, 2016 Fellow
To investigate the ways that Socratic dialogue can be used at the classroom level to create the fundamental shift to student-directed learning that must be at the heart of school transformation.
Amber Carbine-March and Kim Hoffman, Lamoille Union High School, 2018 Fellows
Developing an alternative pathway for students to acquire proficiency through interdisciplinary, thematic six-week projects/sessions.
Tara Cariano, Harwood Union Middle and High School, 2018 Fellow
Investigating the ways in which a school can integrate a multifaceted approach to wellness in order to best support students and staff.
Maryann Carlson and Allison Vega, Milton High School, 2020 Fellows
To research and explore how to transform a predominantly white school into an anti-racist culture and climate, which will inform an implementation plan to benefit the students, school and society.
Marsha Cassel and Erica Wallstrom, Rutland High School, 2014 Fellows
To continue transformational process through GIN Conference which provides professional development for faculty and leadership coursework for students combining ideas of STEM with Global Studies.
Kristin Cimonetti, Mill River Union High School, 2020 Fellow
To replicate the systems and structures that make our music program exemplary within an all school tier-one instrumental model focused on the lens of performance-based assessment.
Rachel Cohen, Colchester High School, 2019 Fellow
“How can Vermont high schools utilize the Green Mountains to support equitable opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through place-based expeditionary and interdisciplinary learning?”
Lindsey Cox, Winooski Middle/High School, 2017 Fellow
Simultaneously design a system of assessment for authentic, multiple pathways learning opportunities while creating said opportunities for students that will demonstrate the usability of the system.
Jason Cushner, South Burlington High School/Big Picture School, 2013 Fellow
Using South Burlington’s Big Picture School as innovation lab for the high school particularly around proficiency-based graduation requirements.
Matthew DeBlois, Vergennes Union High School, 2009 Fellow
Comprehensive advisor system, extended learning opportunities
Dawn Deibler, Thetford Academy, 2010 Fellow
Technology Integration
Bryan Dickinson, North Country Union High School (Math Teacher) 2022 Fellow
“showing the link between active lifestyles, academics, and future careers”
Luke Dorfman, Winooski Middle/High School, 2019 Fellow
“Public education has a troubled history of inequity and remains outdated in an industrial model of the past. At Winooski, we confront the reality of this history as we work to re-imagine our system to prepare students for demands of the 21st century. As we redesign our system to implement flexible, proficiency-based, personalized learning, it is imperative we look through an equity lens to ensure our transformation brings greater access and opportunity for all students rather than widen the opportunity gap.”
Becky Ebel, Vergennes Union Middle/High School (Special Educator) 2022 Fellow
“creating a holistically restorative system focused on the well-being of all school members”
Jason Finley and Caitlin Steele, Otter Valley Union High School, 2009 Fellows
External learning opportunities
Luke Foley, Northfield Middle/High School, 2019 Fellow
“To re-imagine the STAR program as the Paine Mountain Experiential Learning Center, which would serve as a “flexible pathway” center for our newly formed district. This project would create a model for how small schools can creatively utilize their assets to better serve their students and to also serve as community learning centers.”
Emily Gilmore, South Burlington High School, 2017 Fellow
Research and develop professional development opportunities for faculty and staff based on growth mindsets, personalized learning processes, and proficiency-based learning to ensure the development of 21st century learners.
Sarah Hagge, Bianca McKeen and Jen Wigmore, Rutland High School, 2016 Fellows
To enhance student choice and voice, deepen project-based learning, and practice the Vermont transferable skills by establishing structured internships for students.
Ben Heintz, U-32 Junior/Senior High School, 2020 Fellow
To devote time to two ongoing projects: Expanding a culture of publication at U-32 and collaborating with other leaders to create a platform for connecting U-32 student journalists with a statewide audience.
Rachel Howes and Brenton Litterer, Winooski Middle High School, 2021 Fellows
“Would like to create a program, for traditionally unsuccessful students, which is built upon relationships and delivers rigorous, yet flexible interdisciplinary learning opportunities. Building upon our current 2020-2021 Pod model, we intend to research and gather data to implement a full-time program for students who might otherwise have left high school to earn a High School diploma.”
Jillian Joyce, Burr and Burton Academy, 2020 Fellow
Inquiry and planning for climate education in 9-12 Vermont schools, support for community-driven climate action in schools.
Andrew Jones and Gabe Hamilton, Mt. Abraham Union Middle/High School, 2015 Fellows
To foster a new mindset around grading practices with a focus on “recursive assessment” and remediation that will ultimately lead to a system of assessment that is coherent, consistent and transparent.
Devon Karpak, Otter Valley Union High School (Technology Education Teacher)
“create an exemplar curriculum and program for a CTE connected pathway for 7th-12th grade”
Jessica Kessler, Green Mountain Union High School, 2023 Fellow
“researching and implementing a schoolwide mental health literacy program”
Sarah Kiefer and Jessica DeCarolis, Fair Haven Union High School, 2009 Fellows
Strengthening programs for at-risk students
Kristine Kirkaldy, Vergennes Union High School, 2010 Fellow
Performance-based graduation requirements
Lissa Knauss, Montpelier High School, 2018 Fellow
Integrating social emotional learning with a concentration on wellness practices into the school academics and general culture in order to combat the increase in anxiety, depression, and digital addiction our students are experiencing.
Jennifer Kravitz, Rutland High School, 2012 Fellow
Establishing global studies graduation concentration.
Kendra Larson, Burr and Burton Academy, 2011 Fellow
Researching the socio-economic achievement gap and developing programs to better connect lower income students to their school.
Lori Lisai, Lamoille Union Middle/High School, 2015 Fellow
Through game-based learning studies on the 1:1 iPads, transform learning to help lead Lamoille toward a culture where students embrace learning as an adventure.
Charlie MacFadyen, Champlain Valley Union High School, and
Tim O’Leary, Shelburne Community School, 2020 Fellows
Cracking the Code: Closing the Gender Gap in Computer Science.
Gabrielle Marquette, Enosburg Falls High School, 2015 Fellow
Proposing a dynamic implementation of personal learning plans.
Mike Martin, Champlain Valley Union High School, 2009 Fellow
Transformational pilot program based on interdisciplinary team teaching, rigorous standards and community experience.
Peter McConville, Burlington High School, 2011 Fellow
Interdisciplinary curriculum centered on sustainability and sense of place with emphasis on community-based service learning.
Colin McKaig, Black River Middle and High School, 2013 Fellow
Influence of portable electronic devices on learning using latest brain research.
Lindsay McQueen, Edmunds Middle School, 2023 fellow
“#1: Design and implement a two-year framework for Community Time that is sustainable, equitable and flexible.
#2: Reimagine a Wednesday schedule to maximize student choice and agency.”
Mike McRaith, Enosburg Falls High School, 2013 Fellow
Making perseverance a teachable and measurable core of school’s philosophy and culture.
Laura Mina and Lauren Parren, Mt. Abraham Union High School, 2012 Fellows
Developing a new system of professional development to support school-wide transformation.
Sandra Mings-Lamar, Lyndon Institute, 2016 Fellow
Creating the Rowland Center for Global Activism at Lyndon Institute so that students can participate in an inquiry-based curriculum that leads them to understanding and solving some of the world’s most pressing issues while opening cultural connections, increasing their global readiness and preparing them for greater civic participation and success.
Gretchen Muller, Burlington High School, 2017 Fellow
Creating a Community Partnership Learning Program in which students, grades 9-12, are engaged in community service learning projects as well as other learning opportunities outside the school to provide more flexible learning options.
Samantha Mundt, Twin Valley Middle High School, 2021 Fellow
“Would like to research the use of choice and design thinking in the classroom to increase student engagement and teach real world innovation and creativity.”
Roger Murphy, Stowe High School, 2018 Fellow
“Create a vibrant, equitable internship program that allows students to pursue an alternative pathway to graduation and incorporate off-campus and experiential learning into their personal learning plans.”
Adam Murray, Essex High School, 2023 Fellow
“interview a large number of my school’s students about what they want school to be, and form a student/faculty design team to propose changes to our school and teaching based on the interview data”
Shaun Noonan and Carrie Felice, Peoples Academy High School, 2013 Fellows
Moving the middle school and high school to proficiency-based system and developing proficiency-based graduation requirements.
John Painter, South Burlington High School, 2014 Fellow
To develop meaningful and high quality advisory programs for juniors and seniors extending the core principles from sophomore advisory. Also, to bring our core principles activity, otherwise known as the Flyin’ Ryan Decisions Program, to as many VT high schools as possible.
Jeanie Phillips, Green Mountain Union High School, 2014 Fellow
To increase creativity, innovation and student engagement at GM and in the TRSU through the design and implementation of two courses and a study group.
Anja Pfeffer, Hazen Union School, 2021 Fellow
“Re-evaluate and strengthen the foundational pillars of ‘Dare To Be Me’ and expand its scope to the wider Hazen community.”
Elizabeth Placencia, Middlebury Union Middle School, 2023 Fellow
“create a mentoring program…that fully supports and sustains new teaching staff”
Jill Prado, Essex High School, 2012 Fellow
Establishing a virtual global campus and sister school(s) to enrich foreign language instruction and integrate it into the schools developing Global Arts and Humanities Academy.
Adam Rosenberg, Rutland High School, 2010 Fellow
The “Collaborative Community Network” where core team of teachers work with common group of students on theme-focused, interdisciplinary curricula. (freshman academy)
Michael Ruppel, Springfield High School, 2017 Fellow
Lead the transition to proficiency-based learning at Springfield High School, with a particular focus on teacher readiness and revisions to our Multi-Tiered System of Supports.
Tom Sabo, Montpelier High School, 2011 Fellow
Year-round service learning based program using food system as vehicle to teach sustainability across curriculum in partnership with community non-profit.
Christopher Sheehan, Twinfield Union School, 2023 Fellow “create a program at Twinfield that will help foster increased participation in our democracy by all Twinfield students”
Stacy Shortle, Rutland High School, 2020 Fellow
Professional development activities, including attending conferences and consulting with high schools that have adopted trauma-informed practices, in order to help Rutland High School transition into a trauma-informed school.
Peter Stratman and Brian Boyes, Cabot School, 2014 Fellows
To develop an iPad application and accompanying resources that assists teachers in the design, implementation and management of a project-based learning expedition. PBL Launchpad: collaborative, customizable, technology-rich, and exportable to teachers and learners around the world.
Emily Therrien, Randolph Union High School, 2019 Fellow
“This project would include investigating how we can improve our policies, programs, and curricula to be more equitable for all students, particularly students of color and students in poverty. Based on my findings, I would design and propose changes to be implemented in order to reach my project goal of creating a more empowering and equitable space for our community.”
Michael Thomas, Vergennes Union High School, 2016 Fellow
To research and design a flexible, school-wide system of interdisciplinary, project-based workshop classes to support Personalized Learning Plans and Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements.
Patti Tomashot, Stowe High School (Guidance Director) 2022 Fellow
“create a comprehensive school counseling model for Grades 9-12…that includes personal, social & career domains”
Alyssa Urban, Missisquoi Valley Union Middle and High School
Establishing a community school model at Missisquoi by building a community network and structure to empower all learners and stakeholders to succeed.
Anne Watson, Montpelier High School, 2015 Fellow
Implement a boarding program by answering all questions regarding logistics, finances, legal, recruitment and hospitality.
Sabrina Westdijk and Kerianne Severy, Middlebury Union High School, 2017 Fellows
To gather knowledge on interdisciplinary instructional teaming that will be practically applied to the short- and long-terms in order to encourage and support the effective implementation of interdisciplinary teaching teams in grades 9 and 10, and the IB Middle Years Programme.
Mary Whalen, Twinfield Union School, 2010 Fellow
The “Declare Ourselves” Project—authentic student voice and civic engagement.